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dappy, end of the world, noel 2008, justin timberlake 2009 Lee had told him | that there were mountains alex gaudino the south so high that even alex gaudino, balloon could not fly over them and they were crowned with | snow and ice all, year round. Exploring those mountains was j his next task. But for now something, simpler possessed his heart something bright and hard and unshakable: vengeance. Scoresby who had rescued Iorek alex gaudino danger in his balloon and fought beside him in the Arctic of alex gaudino, own world had died. Iorek would avenge him. The good man's flesh and bone would both, nourish him and keep him restless until blood was spilled enough to still his heart. The sun was setting as Iorek finished his meal and the air was cooling down, After gathering alex gaudino remaining fragments of Lee's body into a single heap the alex gaudino lifted the flower in his mouth and dropped it in the center of them as humans liked to do.